Thursday, March 31, 2011
A Response to "Michael Goodwin on the loss of the freedom to fail"
Some environments are structured in failure. Intentional or unintentional, urban environments like Detroit, MI have an educational system that's not the greatest (for whatever reasons that aren't important for this essay). In this type of industrial city where you can gain an excellent middle-income lifestyle without education, the urge to "fix" this broken system may not have the most support. This creates a cycle of failure – failure to see the importance of education and knowledge. However, in America, we associate success with money, and if you can gain status without education, then many citizens have accomplished the "American Dream."
Children raised in this environment may fail and be surrounded by constant failure. The question becomes, do you want them to grow up in this environment and possibly follow, for example, a cyclic example related to lack of education? Listening to Michael Goodwin's talk on social promotion, the answer would be yes. However, I would ask the question, what if we take these children, graduate them, and put them into an environment of constant success? This "social promotion" would give them new insight and more examples of success. This is another way to learn – grow from the best and follow the successes of others. I feel this is an extremely important aspect of successful leadership and in many ways, can be the only way to survive and reach achievement. Therefore, I would not say you need to fail in order to know success.
I also think the consequences of failures are known to many and defined in America as drastic occurrences. Because of these perceived "penalties," there is a drive to not fail. I don't think this is negative. If you honestly know the effects of failure on your life and family, or you know that failure is detrimental, why would you want to experience it? That's not to say that experiencing it will not be substantial in growth, but I don’t need to experience the failure of not graduating from school or losing my job to know that they can both have a negative effect on my life. Knowing this, I will strive and do my best to prevent either occurrence.
I empathize with Michael Goodwin. We can create a culture where we have this "entitlement mania." People feel they can be bailed out of situations at anytime and it can feed laziness. However, many people "fear" failure or grow up in a structure of constant failure, and fight to never experience it. If you can become successful knowing what not to do through a thriving, nurturing environment, and never fail, please move forward and achieve!
Michael Hendrix
Cornell University – Johnson School of Management
Class of 2013
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
The Art of Power
Red Carpet Theatrical World Premiere
A great movie! A great moment in time! The moment everyone's been waiting for has now arrived!
The Art of Power Red Carpet Premiere will be November 20, 2010.
The HENDRIX Brothers and B.I.Z the Messenger were able to score pieces of the movie!! Thanks for everyone's patience because this is a great independent film that’s definitely worth viewing! The Art of Power & First Element Entertainment crew really outdid themselves! See below for details:
The Art of Power Red Carpet Premiere
When: Saturday, November 20th - 8:00 pm
Where: Michigan Theater, Ann Arbor, MI
There will be a VIP reception (6:30 pm - 7:30 pm) before the show, and anyone can purchase these online at
Regular tickets are also available at
VIP tickets include: hor d'oevres, drink ticket, meeting cast & crew, mingling with our special guest 2010 Oscar-winner (The Hurt Locker) June Gibson, movie of course, and admission to the after party!
WHY See The Film?? Here are just a FEW Reasons:
1) One of the few Michigan indie films filmed somewhere else than Michigan. Actual movie setting is Washington D.C.
2) 2010 Oscar-winner J. Gibson (The Hurt Locker) will be in attendance for the VIP reception and film showing - incentive for people buying VIP tix
3) Filmed by entirely Michigan crew
4) MI Locations connected to film (Ann Arbor, Royal Oak, Detroit, Southfield, Farmington Hills, Novi, Taylor, etc.)
5) Film has a host of professional and notable actors/local celebs :-)
6) Portions of proceeds from the VIP tickets go to two local non-profits: Think Detroit Pal (helps youth with learning resources and sports) & Growing Hope (helping people and communities have access to healthy food through gardening and self-reliance)
7) Scoring and music in the film done by an array of very talented composers from Detroit, Utah, Texas, and India (Oscar-winning A R Rahman's KM Conservatory of music!!!)
-Don't forget The HENDRIX Brothers & BIZ the Messenger!
8) Film has been noted in The Detroit Free Press, The Detroit News, Michigan Movie Magazine, Model D, and many blogs
The Mood, The Style, The Music…
The HENDRIX Brothers
Friday, June 18, 2010
The HENDRIX Brothers | Scores First Major Film

The Art of Power will be premiering at the “Detroit Windsor International Film Festival” Saturday, June 26, 2010.
The HENDRIX BrothersTM were able to score pieces of the movie, with major songs opening and closing the film. These songs were co-written by world renowned artist B.I.Z. the Messenger.
Show your support for the movie. It’s a great independent film that’s definitely worth viewing! See below for details:
The Art of Power Film Premiere
When: Saturday, June 26th - 8:50 pm
Where: Wayne State University Law School
Go to for more details and to buy tickets
Link to Film Details
The Mood, The Style, The Music…
The HENDRIX BrothersTM
Saturday, October 17, 2009
TheHendrix Brothers win Music Contest
They hosted a music contest with Tunecore and we were one of the winners. Check out the story:
...stay tuned for more. We've been away a while, but for good reasons.
Saturday, April 26, 2008
Erykah Badu "Real Thang" Remix Contest
Erykah Bady - Real Thang Remix
Also, leave an honest comment on our blog site ( on what you think of the music, production, etc.
-The Hendrix Brothers
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
The Hendrix Brothers Links Up with The Hip Hop Game of Skillz
Sunday, February 10, 2008
The Hendrix Brothers on "Feel the Hunger Radio"