If you're in Detroit before November 2nd, check out the film we scored. It's small (15min) and part of an larger project, but it's still a piece of history we were able to be apart of so we're definitely not complaining.
It was conceived and created by world renown artist - Senghor Reid - from Detroit. It's a still shot representation of the life and business of Woodward. Details on time and location are below.
The Hendrix Brothers
Work: Detroit
a cultural nerve center where people, places, and creative work intersect
3663 woodward avenue | detroit,michigan 48201 | 313.593.0527
09.22 - 11.02 | 2007
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
::The Unofficial First Message::

...almost there.
Thanks to all for the support and patience this year! It's been a long road but we - The Hendrix Brothers - are almost there. We've scored a "documentary" and have three projects almost ready for release from our Camp - some instrumental concept albums and some Hip Hop/R&B/Soul albums too.
Additionally, we've been completing all the needed requirements so we can OFFICIALLY give you that product you've been waiting for - at any location.
So please...stay tuned 'cause once everything's ready, be on the lookout! Not only for the different products but for the listening parties and concerts.
The Hendrix Brothers
Thursday, April 19, 2007
Hungry for Hip Hop????

Thanks to my mans BIZ the Messenger for the uplift from They list 100 songs EVERYONE, especially the Hip Hop critics, need to listen too.
Check the link and Holla at me!
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
...Who Will Be The Hip-Hop Savior????

As a Lover of Hip Hop and a former "Hip-Hop-Head-Backpacker", I have to say a little something:
What I would like to see is a detailed report on all the "bad" Hip Hop ALBUMS with a clear analysis on all the songs. My only problem is the people that criticize Hip Hop either don't listen to a large variety of Hip Hop music or hear one song on the radio or see it on BET and mold their opinions based off that. Here's 3 Facts:
What I would like to see is a detailed report on all the "bad" Hip Hop ALBUMS with a clear analysis on all the songs. My only problem is the people that criticize Hip Hop either don't listen to a large variety of Hip Hop music or hear one song on the radio or see it on BET and mold their opinions based off that. Here's 3 Facts:
1) People fail to realize who actually controls the media outlets and who will only play and show what they want people to hear, see or what makes their company money.
2) At least 80% of Hip Hop is bought by Non-Blacks and most shows are filled with Non-Blacks. Therefore, they control what will be played and seen most of the time. Ask yourself why they want to see and hear certain lyrics and music so much....
3) The record companies will only want their artists to record what's commercial - if they don't, they are released from the label or the album is other words, their salary and benefits are ceased.
I DON'T CONDONE NEGATIVE LYRICS - corporate america dictates what you will and won't do. When you make music a business and release it from being an artform, it's very's reason for being an artform is no longer on the table. The love for music becomes the love for money. And if the love for money is the true root of evil, then it will be hard for a large percentage of the business to move in a positive direction on a consistent basis.
This is nothing new...minstrel shows, Hollywood Stepin Fetchit days, 'Blaxploitation' era (coined by someone who wasn't Black)...we are focusing so much on the smallest issues and battles, that we miss the real issue and lose the WAR! Even more, we haven't even focused on who we need to protest because we turn on each other!
Holla at me when you listen to ONE Tribe Called Quest album or some BDP or if you REALLY listened to NWA's song "F**k the Police" or Ice Cube's "Death Certificate" album...I could go on and on...
The Hendrix Brothers...stay tuned!
Wednesday, March 14, 2007 they say Hip Hop is Dead

...well here's some songs to revive it!!!!
Exclusive: 3 BRAND NEW full length songs on our site:
1) Corporate Stress
2) Profile of a Village
3) Relationships 101 (1st single for download - FREE)
4) People Need to Wake Up
Holla at The HB!!!! Thanks for your past thoughts and keep em' coming!!!!
Resurrection of Hip Hop in Full Effect,
The Hendrix Brothers
Monday, March 5, 2007
Exclusive from The Hendrix Brothers | Free Download | 1st Single

Peace...What's Up? Check it, we promised more music so we're gonna give it to you:
Available FREE for Download is the 1st Single of Conversations off the forth coming album "The Untold Narratives." The single is Relationships 101. There are also a few other snippets from the album. Click on the following link to grab the download (a .Zip file - open or save to computer):
As always, let US know your HONEST thoughts on the single/snippets - whatever you feel, whatever your opinion(s) may be...they are beneficial!
Resurrecting Hip Hop,
--The HB
Disclaimer: ALL tracks are for educational use only. No tracks are for Sale. Parental Discretion is advised.
Thursday, February 22, 2007

"Negro Spirituals" were once used to express the painful times (let's put it light for now) during slavery, communicate during the Underground Railroad, and help educate during the Civil Rights Movement. These 3 aspects -Expression, Communication, and Education- are rarely seen anymore in Music today. The revival of the "Negro Spiritual" is needed now, more than ever...
The Hendrix Brothers are reaffirming and restoring our rootedness. The Production Company is an expression of recovery and reconstruction of Our Culture through Hip Hop.With that said:
1) Subscribe to our mailing list at to stay aware of the latest songs, commentary, SouL, etc. about the HB camp or any other relevant topics...
2) You are cordially invited to tour our website: It was created to inform you of the latest music, products, and SouL projects The HB will be offering...
-While you're there, check out samples of two songs from our Maxi-Single for our upcoming album "The Untold Narratives."
Oh yeah...and before we move any further, let us introduce ourselves: The HenDriX BrotherS is a worldwide leader in influencing people through -Moods, Styles, and Music- both internationally and in the U.S. Its energy, truth, and products provide the highest quality and most recognizable musical experiences in the world. defines Soul as "...the emotional part of human nature." Soul music has been defined as having great emotion. The Hendrix Brothers mission is to make "MusIC for The PeoPLe...MusIC for The SouL."
Therefore, we officially present -
The MooD.The StyLe.The MusIC...The Hendrix Brothers.
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