"Negro Spirituals" were once used to express the painful times (let's put it light for now) during slavery, communicate during the Underground Railroad, and help educate during the Civil Rights Movement. These 3 aspects -Expression, Communication, and Education- are rarely seen anymore in Music today. The revival of the "Negro Spiritual" is needed now, more than ever...
The Hendrix Brothers are reaffirming and restoring our rootedness. The Production Company is an expression of recovery and reconstruction of Our Culture through Hip Hop.With that said:
1) Subscribe to our mailing list at
http://hendrixbrothers.blogspot.com/ to stay aware of the latest songs, commentary, SouL, etc. about the HB camp or any other relevant topics...
2) You are cordially invited to tour our website: http://www.myspace.com/thehendrixbrothers. It was created to inform you of the latest music, products, and SouL projects The HB will be offering...
-While you're there, check out samples of two songs from our Maxi-Single for our upcoming album "The Untold Narratives."
Oh yeah...and before we move any further, let us introduce ourselves: The HenDriX BrotherS is a worldwide leader in influencing people through -Moods, Styles, and Music- both internationally and in the U.S. Its energy, truth, and products provide the highest quality and most recognizable musical experiences in the world.
Dictionary.com defines Soul as "...the emotional part of human nature." Soul music has been defined as having great emotion. The Hendrix Brothers mission is to make "MusIC for The PeoPLe...MusIC for The SouL."
Therefore, we officially present -
The MooD.The StyLe.The MusIC...The Hendrix Brothers.
Keep It Coming The HB! Your Soul is needed in Hip Hop and the World!!!! Peace.
P.S. HURRY...I'm dying and I see the light.
----Hip Hop
I don't think people seeing this are understanding what time it is, FOR REAL. Tighten up or get tightened up...keep doing ya thing bros
All I have to say is that you guys are definitely doing your thing!!!! Don't forget about us little-people when you blow up....
ain't nuthin' neo about soul!
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